Helpful Hints for Cow Owners

Helpful Hints for Cow Owners

Ariana Long

Drying Instructions & Other Helpful Hints


  1. When you get ready to dry the cow off stop using the Formula M. (It helps to produce milk).
  2. Start giving Vitamix (2oz) 3 to 4 times daily till the cow is completely dry.

  3. When the cow is completely dry, stop the Vitamix and continue giving the Formula M again.
    (She will continue getting her Formula M all the time until you dry her off the next time).

  4. About 1½ to 2 weeks before she freshens start giving her Vitamix (2oz) 3 to 4 times daily until she freshens.
    If her SCC stays around 100,000 you can stop the Vitamix and just continue with the Formula M. If her SCC goes up, then increase her Vitamix to (2oz) 6 times daily at least 1 hour apart until you get her SCC down to 100,000. When her SCC is back to 100,000 you can stop the Vitamix. (UNLESS she has Staph or Strep. If she has Staph or Strep when she freshens, than once you get the SCC down to 100,000 and she is clear on the CMT Paddle, continue the Vitamix an additional 2 weeks at the 6 times daily at least 1 hour apart.)

VitamixFormula M


  1. To help prevent, feed less silage and more long stem grass hay.

  2. When showing symptoms, drench with 1 cup of Baking Soda dissolved in water.

  3. Feed Vitamix and White Lightning (call for instructions)

White LightningDiatomaceous Earth


Take away all salt so the animal will be salt hungry.  Mix one cup feed grade salt to each five gallons of water and pour over the Diatomaceous Earth to completely wet it but not leaving any water standing on top. If you want it as a paste you can add enough water to make it moister; if you want it as a block use less water and as it dries it will harden.



For when you want to feed lemon water for allergies or to cleanse the liver.
The 1ST Day; Add ½ freshly squeezed lemon in each pail of water they drink.
The 2ND Day; Add one freshly squeezed lemon in each pail of water they drink.
The 3RD Day, Add two freshly squeezed lemon in each pail of water they drink.
Repeat this method up to the 6th day with five lemons in each pail of water and continue for a couple months.
If they relapse when you stop, you should continue the same procedure a while longer.


These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease.